ELAC Q2 AGENDA ITEMS: Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84571577560 11:30am 12/15
- Focus on mid-year EL Language Arts and Math progress (Internal School Data)- (CCSS Implementation and CCSS Materials in Classroom)
- LCAP Stakeholder Engagement: School shares the 3-Year LCAP plan with parents/staff/pupils with focus on understanding how the LCAP supports their school and students with a focus on Increased or Improved Services for Low-income, English Learners, and Foster Youth.
- 3 Year LCAP Actual Actions/Services and use of funds implementation as related to English Learners. (DELAC Required Topic)
AGENDA de concilio de aprendices de ingles, segunda junta:
- Centrarse en el progreso de mitad de año en artes del lenguaje y matemáticas de los EL (datos internos de la escuela) - (implementación de CCSS y materiales de CCSS en el aula)
- Participación de las partes interesadas del LCAP: La escuela comparte el plan LCAP de 3 años con los padres/personal/alumnos con un enfoque en comprender cómo el LCAP apoya a su escuela y a los estudiantes con un enfoque en servicios aumentados o mejorados para estudiantes de inglés de bajos ingresos y de crianza. Juventud.
- Implementación de acciones/servicios reales del LCAP de 3 años y uso de fondos en relación con los estudiantes de inglés. (Tema requerido por DELAC)
PAC Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82894548134 12:30 pm 12/15
- Elect Officers (First meeting)
- Set PAC Meeting Calendar for the SY.
- Select PAC theme, initiatives, and/or goals to be discussed that are specific to positive student and school outcomes for the year at the school
- Support conducting a Needs Assessment by looking at EOY Data (Big Picture Overview)-Title I SWP Compliance
- LCAP: Analyze and summarize analysis of instructional program and interventions in ELA, Math and other subject areas, as appropriate. Q1 expenditures for LCAP.
- Obtain input from ELAC (ELAC Rep. shares out, if available)
- Review the School Site Plan (SSP) as connect to LCAP goals/actions
- Parent Involvement Policy (Input to Title I Parent Involvement Policy)
- School-Parent Compact Review and Feedback
- Review updated sections of Safe School Plan (i.e. CERT Master List, Incident Command Org Chart, Template Letters)